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view post Posted on 1/7/2009, 16:15

Some pain in the ass of chiefs would tell you it's not REALLY the real receipe, but it's really close to it and it's easier than the 100% real one :P

* Ratatouille:

* Ingredients:
- 1kg of tomatoes
- 4 zucchinis
- 2 eggplants
- 1 green bell pepper
- 1 red bell pepper
- 2 oignons
- Provençal herbs
- 2 spoons of olive oil

- Peel the tomatoes after putting them 30sec in boiling water (off the fire)
- Cut them into small bits.
- Cut the veggies in medium sized bits.
- Brown the oignons cut in small bits in olive oil, add the tomatoes, pepper, salt and provençal herbs.
- Cook at low temperature for 2 - 3 mins then add the other veggies.
- Stir.
- Cook 1h - 1h30, stiring from time to time

hope you'll understand and manage to do it
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